in the Five Emperors. How could you conquer the whole world without him? 2001/9/11 爱怜怜你就依你 “I love you. I did your favor as you deserved to have the traffic on the buildings.” That’s why I heard others say BS Bush. Nobody appreciate you have traffic on the buildings, also accusing others. The bad as you are. You deserve to die. Stupid pride of self to army armed on to beg others to give you a chance to survive. Why should you accuse others of the 911 traffic? The president of the Republic of China 袁世凯 Yuan, ShiKai had start 6 for you. Why you not quit your job on 2007/8/9? The little Bush was born on 1946, took office on 2001/1/20. Without 5 of self, cannot live without face, that’s the reason: too greedy for 38 turns in a row already. But it’s better without 3 of self.33. 2014 is the third time started to help the federal to quit the curse from the heaven which began on 1821/3/4 for break a concentric promise. Obama could quit on 2016/5/8, but he missed it, he missed the numerical game, leave the giant problem to a woman and a child: Hillary take a young local Indian to call “HELP! SAVE ME!” in the whole world. 34. I tell whatever I know. Believe me. It’s possible for the non-guilty kids to finish the numerical game and USA has puppet on the position of president as China had baby king before.35. The Independent Day was back up 45 years to the past. 45 是我, 事我, it’s me, you serve me. 36. The 3 years fighting events of the American Civil War were grafted, moved 40 years back to the past, and has been twigged on the 9 years American War of Independence, tongue words war, American Revolutionary War. 40 事实, the facts. Graft 3 and twigged on 9, 39 伏天 hot days, no appetite, need 39 胃泰 the Chinese herbs medicine to help digestion. 37. 45 + 40 = 95 救我 HELP! SAVE ME! even the people from Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty heard it then came to take a look what’s going on and tried to help out.38. Albany, おばあ你; Obama, おばあ马; You point your grandma as 你 to do work for you as a horse: I am a Nige’s, a best servant for you because I am your grandma. Barack, ばら哭/酷, grandma is coming, you wait there, I bara, bara gun’s insurance handle, am I cool? man? don’t cry, baby. I am kidding. Hillary, ひら理/离, attracted woman is coming, you are interesting and waiting there for me, this is the broad way for business, don’t be shameful to leave me, please! I am teaching you how to do business.Grandma serve kids, it’s the traditional Chinese culture, not 伦理颠倒 ethics reversed, didn’t you ever hear Japanese direct call their own family お……さん? お, answer modal particle O, mean should any time on service.さん, 丧, 该死的, you dead.39. Any time you call me Nige’s, I must on service.Occupational noun Nige’s comes from Chinese culture, mean your brother + you’re singing about, it’s a perfect way nicely to introduce self to others. If a person has this special technical, too good to be alone, others are all scared away with polite respection, that’s why we Nige’s are alone even we call everybody brother and leave all the jobs to them.In Chinese culture, call a person occupation mean attention to your duty job, like call a person teacher mean you knowledgeable and behavior well worthy respect to be my teacher, doctor mean you are the god from heaven to save me, actor mean you are the funny one to make others laugh not angry any more, judge mean you are the king having power to bring the justice…… they are all respectful and surrounding by the people.40. Sad to be a Nige’s, having the technical scared others away, but never challenge anybody’s job and always leave all the jobs to others only do what should have to do.We the people Nige’s were invited to American to plant plants and made the living circumstance similar as the past.We the people Nige’s used the Chinese ancient technology called 移花接木 “graft one twig on another”, which 咸豐 Emperor taught, to relive people dead in the past. We the people Nige’s heard people talking about the funeral ceremony and the interesting numerical songs when his coffin departed from 承德避暑山莊煙波致爽殿 “Thanks from heart avoid risky visa lakeshore having opium served by pretties to cool down the mood. Memorial” to BeiJing. We the people Nige’s heard people calling HELP! SAVE ME! from the hell. They were grafted and twigged on the past. They cannot reincarnation because they cannot pass the trail in the hell. They don’t know what’s going on being grafted and twigged on the past they even not born. They had been doubted having thespecial technical to relive by self not need the hell to do anything for them. They had been doubted to challenge the hell’s job thus they are abandoned by the hell. We the people Nige’s finally found bosom friends and have jobs. We the people Nige’s had the research of relive in Africa, but been forbidden to practice there. Finally we the people Nige’s have a job not underemployment and are useful. But people don’t know what we were really doing in the garden. They made the food produce industrialization and not allow us to do our jobs: to make our client’s living circumstance similar as the past to relive them from the hell.41. I heard an interesting numerical song when I was a child. 123, 321, 1234567, 7+8, 8+7, 9+15配 11. =6+6+(1+2+…+9)+7+7+8+11+15 =...=105 你怜我 “You’d better love me having humanity.”Do I need in further change the history of the World War II? Fraudulence and intentional tort are civil issues in the federal court of USA. Of cause the 1861 war and the World War II are civil issues for thanksgiving. federal, fed raw… I really cannot eat the raw blooded uncooked American food.。" /> in the Five Emperors. How could you conquer the whole world without him? 2001/9/11 爱怜怜你就依你 “I love you. I did your favor as you deserved to have the traffic on the buildings.” That’s why I heard others say BS Bush. Nobody appreciate you have traffic on the buildings, also accusing others. The bad as you are. You deserve to die. Stupid pride of self to army armed on to beg others to give you a chance to survive. Why should you accuse others of the 911 traffic? The president of the Republic of China 袁世凯 Yuan, ShiKai had start 6 for you. Why you not quit your job on 2007/8/9? The little Bush was born on 1946, took office on 2001/1/20. Without 5 of self, cannot live without face, that’s the reason: too greedy for 38 turns in a row already. But it’s better without 3 of self.33. 2014 is the third time started to help the federal to quit the curse from the heaven which began on 1821/3/4 for break a concentric promise. Obama could quit on 2016/5/8, but he missed it, he missed the numerical game, leave the giant problem to a woman and a child: Hillary take a young local Indian to call “HELP! SAVE ME!” in the whole world. 34. I tell whatever I know. Believe me. It’s possible for the non-guilty kids to finish the numerical game and USA has puppet on the position of president as China had baby king before.35. The Independent Day was back up 45 years to the past. 45 是我, 事我, it’s me, you serve me. 36. The 3 years fighting events of the American Civil War were grafted, moved 40 years back to the past, and has been twigged on the 9 years American War of Independence, tongue words war, American Revolutionary War. 40 事实, the facts. Graft 3 and twigged on 9, 39 伏天 hot days, no appetite, need 39 胃泰 the Chinese herbs medicine to help digestion. 37. 45 + 40 = 95 救我 HELP! SAVE ME! even the people from Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty heard it then came to take a look what’s going on and tried to help out.38. Albany, おばあ你; Obama, おばあ马; You point your grandma as 你 to do work for you as a horse: I am a Nige’s, a best servant for you because I am your grandma. Barack, ばら哭/酷, grandma is coming, you wait there, I bara, bara gun’s insurance handle, am I cool? man? don’t cry, baby. I am kidding. Hillary, ひら理/离, attracted woman is coming, you are interesting and waiting there for me, this is the broad way for business, don’t be shameful to leave me, please! I am teaching you how to do business.Grandma serve kids, it’s the traditional Chinese culture, not 伦理颠倒 ethics reversed, didn’t you ever hear Japanese direct call their own family お……さん? お, answer modal particle O, mean should any time on service.さん, 丧, 该死的, you dead.39. Any time you call me Nige’s, I must on service.Occupational noun Nige’s comes from Chinese culture, mean your brother + you’re singing about, it’s a perfect way nicely to introduce self to others. If a person has this special technical, too good to be alone, others are all scared away with polite respection, that’s why we Nige’s are alone even we call everybody brother and leave all the jobs to them.In Chinese culture, call a person occupation mean attention to your duty job, like call a person teacher mean you knowledgeable and behavior well worthy respect to be my teacher, doctor mean you are the god from heaven to save me, actor mean you are the funny one to make others laugh not angry any more, judge mean you are the king having power to bring the justice…… they are all respectful and surrounding by the people.40. Sad to be a Nige’s, having the technical scared others away, but never challenge anybody’s job and always leave all the jobs to others only do what should have to do.We the people Nige’s were invited to American to plant plants and made the living circumstance similar as the past.We the people Nige’s used the Chinese ancient technology called 移花接木 “graft one twig on another”, which 咸豐 Emperor taught, to relive people dead in the past. We the people Nige’s heard people talking about the funeral ceremony and the interesting numerical songs when his coffin departed from 承德避暑山莊煙波致爽殿 “Thanks from heart avoid risky visa lakeshore having opium served by pretties to cool down the mood. Memorial” to BeiJing. We the people Nige’s heard people calling HELP! SAVE ME! from the hell. They were grafted and twigged on the past. They cannot reincarnation because they cannot pass the trail in the hell. They don’t know what’s going on being grafted and twigged on the past they even not born. They had been doubted having thespecial technical to relive by self not need the hell to do anything for them. They had been doubted to challenge the hell’s job thus they are abandoned by the hell. We the people Nige’s finally found bosom friends and have jobs. We the people Nige’s had the research of relive in Africa, but been forbidden to practice there. Finally we the people Nige’s have a job not underemployment and are useful. But people don’t know what we were really doing in the garden. They made the food produce industrialization and not allow us to do our jobs: to make our client’s living circumstance similar as the past to relive them from the hell.41. I heard an interesting numerical song when I was a child. 123, 321, 1234567, 7+8, 8+7, 9+15配 11. =6+6+(1+2+…+9)+7+7+8+11+15 =...=105 你怜我 “You’d better love me having humanity.”Do I need in further change the history of the World War II? Fraudulence and intentional tort are civil issues in the federal court of USA. Of cause the 1861 war and the World War II are civil issues for thanksgiving. federal, fed raw… I really cannot eat the raw blooded uncooked American food.。" />
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嘉莉所做的最后牺牲是痛苦的,但嘿,她是一个疯狂的mofo。"。让我恼火的是,在接近结尾的打斗场景中——在马洛里跺了跺手机之后,另一位女士有 2 次机会离开——跑出家门逃脱,知道马洛里无论如何都不会伤害她认为是她的孩子——但是(在我看来这是愚蠢和鲁莽的)相反,她先拉着马洛里, 其次,她跳到她身上,反复打她或打她耳光。对于拖车操作员,它是监狱或社区服务与老大哥类型。江东多英雄儿郎,不惧死战,却不愿就这样莫名其妙的葬身火海。”。哦,对了,顺便交代一下无敌营这个名字的来历,按照陈丧良的要求,刘长恭把东都的富二代官二代单独编制成军后,连同这些富二代官二代带来的家丁童仆,组建起了一支大约八千人左右的军队,装备东都朝廷提供的上好盔甲武器,穿最华丽的衣服鞋袜,不用象普通士兵那么辛苦训练,还传闻说军中有美女出没,可这些富二代官二代却还是不肯满足,非闹着要象报国军一样,有一个单独的军名。常规级意味着不入级,因此这十艘护卫舰的价值就远远比不上那五艘战列舰了。然而,考虑到这个版本的结局,这部电视电影的续集仍然是一种可能性。"。"印度观众真的出了点问题,这是一部非常惊人的电影,它本身就脱颖而出"。。